lundi 8 janvier 2007

Week # 2

The winter over here has been very mild so far. For the first time ever (since they keep stats) we had a green Christmas.

It's been so mild and without snow that many cattails are still around. Here's one.

10 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

I like sepia tones here. There is such a peace in this picture.

John M. Setzler, Jr. a dit…

Our winter has been extremely mild also. I hope it stays that way. I'm a summertime kid :)

kaye a dit…

I love the theme you have chosen, and I like that you aren't going strictly sepia, but keeping very natural tones too. I'd love to see a list of the photoshop steps you are using. Very peaceful and calming shot.

Mr. Cross a dit…

I think this is a great subject and a well done photo.

Jeff a dit…

I like the detail in this image, along with the DoF. You make sepia look very good.

briantammy a dit…

this is a nice shot. where i grew up i would see these everywhere. I don't see them much where i live now.

asim a dit…

clear, calm, and simple... very good detail, and i like the bokeh. keep up the good work!

Anonyme a dit…

I'm surprised it hasn't gotten chewed apart by the birds. Very nice study of shape and form.

bvlindalou a dit…

I really like the dof and the placement

Jeni Yantis a dit…

oooo - nice!! Calming image - very pretty.
