mardi 2 janvier 2007

Week # 1 - Take 2

As mentionned yesterday, we drove to Montréal today (actually, half-way to Montréal to meet a friend and then drove back home). The weather was perfect, -3 degrees Celcius and mostly sunny.

We didn't see any wildlife but we did stop at a very nice place called "Roland's Falls" in the LaVérendry Provincial Park. My wife and I took many pictures. I'm posting 3 of them that fits pretty good with Sepia tones.

I'm holding on to a few of them that I might use in the first Free Study Challenge of the year on DPC.

Tomorrow, it's back to work... :( so I won't have time to take many pictures until next weekend. I get at work when it's still dark and I get out of there only after the sun is gone. This is mainly why I didn't go for the PAD project, not enough time and opportunities during the week.

Take 3 and 4 are below.

12 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Wow, the ones you've taken so far are spectacular. I'm looking forward to following your 2007 project :)

Ancientimages a dit…

I love the sepia tones and the soft focus on the waterfalls. I also look forward to following your project. Excellent work!!

John M. Setzler, Jr. a dit…

I'm going to enjoy your series quite a bit since I'm a big fan of black and white photography :)

asim a dit…

Great picture... i like the juxtaposition of the flowing water next to the stationary ice formations.

Terra Photography a dit…

Oooohhh...I like these photos a lot. The sepia toning adds a nice surreal touch.

J a dit…

Holy Moly this one is GOOD!! Thanks for answering me about the Sepia! :)

Unknown a dit…

The falls look magical. I discovered that to make a sepia version one needs really good quality picture.

Obsidian a dit…


Anonyme a dit…

Sepia tones look amazing with these shots. Love the smooth water and the light shining across it.

Jeni Yantis a dit…

Beautiful....Absolutely Amazing!

Jeff a dit…

Beautiful shot of the falls. I like the sepia tone too. I'm looking forward to more images because I like sepia and B&W.

Kelly Steele a dit…

I like the Sepia treatment a lot. This is a very relaxing shot. I want to see this in person. :)
